This week we had as an assignment to create a graphic novel based on "The Debutante" a short story created by Leonora Carrington. This story was about how Leonora became friends with a hyena, and she taught her how to speak so the hyena would attend a ball instead of Leonora, because she hated them. The hyena dresses up as her, and kills a maid in order to get a face for the ball, but then, when the ball began, the hyena acted like a wild animal and left immediately. It was a really good story and after we read it we had to create the novel. so we all took images we found over the internet, or some of us drew them and posted them to this blog in order to create this short novel. it was a really good activity and the results, in my opinion, were really good.
This was the picture I used for my last submission to the blog, though it didn't end in the novel.
It's really good! I loved it