miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Exquisite Corpse - the one who became brave.

Daniela Grijalva a00920164
I drew the head so I didnt really need to get inspiration froma previous section so I started of thinking of animals I like. I choose the deer because when I see ita buch of great words come up to my mind, some of them are: intelligence, elegance, protection, wisdom, etc. And by drawing it as the head of our image i was trying to reflect what is on our minds.

Daniela Montserrat  A01195882

I tried not to think before drawing, and when the paper came to me I draw the first think that came into my mind when I thought about a body... And the skeleton with the blood vessels was the first think I thought about. And at the end I liked what it became because it represents his humanity.

Claudia Sanchez A01190345

When the drawing was handed to me I did not know what to do. I wanted to draw a kind of shoe or something that was very obvious of what it was so i chose cowboy boots. At the end i liked a lot the drawinf and I did not expected the things my classmates draw. 

About this exquisite corpse we think it is a person, the sections fit together because the head is the way he thinks as an animal and also the deer represents how brave and smart he is, the body its how he is from the inside, how he functions and the legs represents how he likes to dress on. He has a story and it is simple what happened to him.... It was life.

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