miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Blog Post #1 - Alejandro Partido A01270265


So far we've had almost four weeks of class, and we have covered a lot of surrealist art, such as paintings, sculptures, movies, etc. But the subject that I was more interested in was the surrealist animations from the Monty Python's Flying Circus. Monty Python are a British surreal comedy group who created the Python's Flying Circus in 1969. Their animations are all kinds of random and surreal images of people and things being transformed into something that could never be possible in real life.

I found this kind of animation really funny, because they use everything that they can come up with, adding funny sounds or conversations to create a really unique and surreal style of art. Here's a link to watch some of their animations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqA06gymHz4 

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