In class we are studying "surrealism", this is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s; many artists painted illogical scenes and created strange creatures from everyday objects and developed painting techniques that allowed the unconscious to express itself. One of these artists is Leonora Carrington; she was a Britush-born-Mexican artist. She lived most of her adult life in Mexico City, and was one of the last surviving participants in the Surrealist movement.
One of her last works of art "El Nahual del Mono" in English "The monkey of Nahual" or "The Aztec Shapeshifter".
The Monkey of Nahual is a bronze sculpture made in 2007, I think she was inspired by the Mesoamerican folk religion in where a Nahual is a human being who has the power to magically turn himself into an aminal form. Thts why in the sculpture the Monkey is wearing a "Penacho" or Crest, that is a typical element in the traditional costume of the mexican culture.
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