martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Is what happens between your first and last breath; now days struggling in a constant changing world is affecting us, globalization, economic crisis, a never ending struggle to prove our superiority against our fellows. In a world where we just care about material goods and being accepted by people we don't care about that much, we start living from what is on the outside, instead of use what is inside us we let the environment change us. It's necessary to stop trying to fit in; just because everyone does, does't mean you are obligated to, no one obligates you but yourself. Star living every day as if it was the last one, is the key for a successful day, always appreciate what surrounds us and be amaze for what life offers day to day, always making sure you are happy, not seeking happiness from the outside, having a real life because we are meant to be happy in a relatively short amount of time.

Darío Sánchez 1044994

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